“Better Products, Better Value, Better Customer Service”
Vision Surgical is a medical distribution company that specializes in high quality Vitreo-Retinal and Anterior Segment Ophthalmic surgical products available from manufacturers in the U.S., Switzerland and Germany. We carry Vitreo-Retinal Ophthalmic Surgical instruments, laser probes, membrane scrapers and cannulas, as well as 532nm Green Diode Lasers, anterior segment cataract sapphire keratome and paracentese blades and knives. We also have exceptionally low pricing on indirect, laser, surgical and diagnostic lenses shipped directly from the manufacturer, guaranteeing the latest editions and best condition.
Owner’s Family Photographs

Great Grandmother Elizabeth M. (Oberlender) Paden
WW I Army Nurse Corps 1918

Great Grandfather Franklin A. Paden M.D.
University of Chicago Medical School
graduation picture 1904
Looking For Ophthalmic Products Distribution Company

- Ophthalmic Surgical Lenses
- Diagnostic Lenses
- Laser Lenses
- Wide-Angle Lenses
- Vitreo-retinal Surgery, Cataract, Cornea, Glaucoma, Retinal Exam, General Examination, Refractive, and Research.

- Soft-tip Cannulas
- Viscous Fluid Cannulas
- Retinal Forceps & Scissors
- MVR Knives
- Backflush Instruments
- Reflux Instruments

- Indirect Contact Laser Lenses
- Direct Contact Laser Lenses
- Specialty Treatment Lenses

- Merilas 532 Green Laser
- Slit-Lamp Adapters
- Laser Lenses
- Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO)